Embarking on an extensive collaboration spanning over three years with the Cairo Airport Company, IVEC Contracting has left an indelible mark on multiple facets of this vital transportation hub.
A remarkable achievement was the swift completion of a restroom in the arriving terminal in just 14 days, showcasing IVEC’s commitment to efficient project delivery. Extending our expertise, we undertook the renovation of almost all restrooms in Buildings 1, 2, and 3 for Old Cairo Airport. Additionally, our involvement extended to the creation of prayer areas throughout the building, addressing diverse needs.
In a testament to our continued partnership with CAC, IVEC has undertaken a myriad of maintenance works, ranging from the renovation of numerous offices for employees to the meticulous upkeep of panoramic areas and various terminal grounds. This comprehensive approach also includes the installation of over 7000 meters of marble, highlighting our dedication to quality craftsmanship.
The project scope extends to seasonal terminal façade paint, grounds maintenance, and the installation of umbrellas for visitors at Terminal 1.
The CAC collaboration epitomizes IVEC Contracting’s ability to seamlessly integrate multiple services, contributing to the functionality, aesthetics, and overall excellence of Cairo Airport.